How To Play Wheelchair Pickleball-What Are Its Rules[2024]?

Wheelchair Pickleball

Pickleball is quickly gaining popularity across America, welcoming players of any age and skill level. The rise of wheelchair pickleball is evident, highlighted in a recent exhibition hosted by the Carvana PPA Tour called Pickleball for All.

Surprisingly, many may not realize that wheelchair athletes are just as competitive as standing players when it comes to pickleball.

What is Wheelchair Pickleball?

This sport involves players who use wheelchairs participating in the game on the pickleball court. It’s an adapted version of pickleball with specific rules, such as players needing to stay seated in their wheelchairs throughout the game.

How Wheelchair Pickleball Became Part of the USAPA?

Jim Loving and Joe Dowling are spearheading the rise of this sport. Jim’s inspiration stemmed from encountering a talented wheelchair player at a private venue in South Atlanta.

This encounter led him to advocate for a separate division dedicated to wheelchair players in wheelchair pickleball tournaments. Although it took a year for Jim to take action, with the organization of the USAPA mid-Atlantic regional in Myrtle Beach, he reached out to local wheelchair players, including Joe Dowling, for assistance.

Recognizing the talent of wheelchair players, Jim initiated opportunities for them to compete in tournaments, enabling them to demonstrate their abilities and compete at a high level in pickleball.

1st US Pickleball Tournament with a Wheelchair Division

The inaugural US pickleball tournament featuring a wheelchair division took place in 2019, with only six to eight wheelchair players participating. In response to the smaller turnout, the event organizers decided not to separate players based on gender or skill level.

Instead, they formed divisions for doubles and mixed doubles, fostering an inclusive environment where wheelchair players teamed up with standing partners. The President of Myrtle Beach Pickleball Club(MBPC) and USA Pickleball Association Ambassador East South Carolina, personally saw vibrant passion among the participants for this distinctive and inclusive event.

Each participant received a plaque at the pre-event social to commemorate their involvement in the inaugural wheelchair division, and Onix generously provided paddles to all players. Jim expressed hope that wheelchair divisions would become a standard feature in future pickleball tournaments.

Who is Joe Dowling and What is His Portfolio?

Joe Dowling, a famous athlete and ambassador of wheelchair pickleball, took part in the inaugural wheelchair pickleball tournament. He views pickleball as a fantastic opportunity for inclusivity, providing wheelchair players with a platform for movement and socialization that might otherwise be limited.

Joe was involved in the formulation of adaptive rules for wheelchair pickleball and was invited to South Carolina to meet with other pickleball ambassadors, offering them a firsthand glimpse into wheelchair pickleball.

Wheelchair Pickleball rules

USAPA Wheelchair Pickleball Rules-2024

The USA Pickleball Association (USAPA) has the right and responsibility for creating the official rulebook that governs all pickleball tournaments.  As part of their efforts, they have formulated adaptive rules for wheelchair pickleball.

  • In wheelchair pickleball, the player’s wheelchair is considered part of their body. Standard rules apply, except for non-volley zone regulations, where hitting the wheelchair results in a fault.
  • Players are allowed to hit the pickleball after a double bounce, unlike standing players, for whom double bounces are faults.
  • If a pickleball court lacks the necessary 5 feet of clearance on the sides or 8 feet behind the baseline, replays may be called if wheelchair players cannot return the ball due to space limitations.
  • When a standing player competes with or against a wheelchair player, the rules for standing players apply to the standing player, while the rules for wheelchair players apply to the wheelchair player.
  • The wheelchair pickleball court dimensions are now 74ft x 44ft, larger than the standard 44ft x 20ft court, providing additional room for maneuverability.
  • Non-volley zone faults are determined based on the position of the back wheels of the wheelchair. While the front wheels of the wheelchair may enter the non-volley zone during a volley, the back wheels must remain outside of the non-volley zone to avoid faults.
  • In singles pickleball brackets for players with a skill level of 3.5 or lower, wheelchair players are limited to playing on one-half of the court. However, those with a rating of 4.0 or higher utilize the entire court for their matches.
  • In wheelchair pickleball, during the serve, the rear wheels of the wheelchair must be within the correct serving area at the point of contact. While the front wheels of the wheelchair may be positioned on the baseline or the court, the rear wheels must maintain contact with the designated serving area.

What are the Benefits of Adaptive Pickleball?

Mixed-ability play in pickleball tournaments promotes inclusivity by creating opportunities for individuals with disabilities to engage in the sport alongside those who do not have disabilities. This inclusive approach enhances the sport and fosters a sense of unity in line with the spirit of pickleball’s inception.

Where to Play Wheelchair Pickleball?

You can find pickleball clinics, adaptive open-play sessions, and official tournaments like the US Open at various pickleball clubs across the country. To locate a clinic or club near you, you can visit USAPA’s “Places 2 Play” directory or explore some of the clubs and events listed below.


Wheelchair pickleball not only exemplifies the spirit of inclusivity and adaptability but also showcases the remarkable abilities and determination of its players. As the sport continues to evolve, it serves as a beacon of inspiration and empowerment for individuals of all abilities, fostering camaraderie, resilience, and the joy of play on and off the court. Explore the world of wheelchair pickleball videos and GIFs capturing the excitement of the game.