Can You Play Pickleball On Grass? A Complete Guide of 2024

can you play pickleball on grass

Can you play pickleball on grass with the same dynamics as on concrete or asphalt? My response is yes, or no. If you’re play for fun then yes, otherwise no.

Does it offer the same level of bounce, allowing for the execution of killer shots? Discover how easy and enjoyable it’s to play pickleball on grass. Renting a professional court can be expensive, especially during tough times like the Covid pandemic. But don’t worry! If you want to have your own pickleball court in your backyard, we have all the information you need.

Normally, Pickleball is played on special concrete courts. However, many people wonder if it’s possible to play on grass. The answer is yes!

In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about playing this sport on grass. We’ll also provide helpful tips on how to set up your own grass court correctly.

Can You Play Pickleball On Grass: Pros & Cons

pickleball on grass



  • Casual and Fun
  • Accessibility
  • Cost-effective
  • Skill Development
  • Bounce Variation
  • Surface Conditions
  • Slippery Surface
  • Not Ideal for Competitive Play

Ball Selection Criteria To Play Pickleball On Grass

While playing on grass, it’s essential to choose the appropriate pickleball ball. The standard lightweight ball typically used may not provide the desired bounce on grass surfaces. Instead, opt for a heavy, outdoor pickleball ball that offers better bounce and is less affected by wind.

can you play pickleball on grass

Using a heavy pickleball ball designed for outdoor play can help ensure more consistent and reliable bounces on grass. These balls are specifically crafted to withstand outdoor conditions and provide a better playing experience on grass courts.

By selecting the appropriate pickleball ball designed for grass surfaces, you can elevate the caliber of your game, retain improved control, and derive greater enjoyment from your playing experience.

Grass Pickleball Court Layout

Playing on grass can present its own set of challenges when it comes to movement. However, there are adjustments you can make to the court dimensions to ensure a more manageable playing experience.

To create a suitable pickleball court on grass, you can modify the dimensions slightly. For singles play, you can set the court dimensions to approximately 13 feet 6 inches. For doubles play, a width of around 16 feet 8 inches is recommended.

In terms of the baseline, it’s adjusted to 16 feet for singles and 18 feet for doubles. Similarly, the net size can be adjusted accordingly to meet the specific requirements of the game on grass.

By making these adjustments to the court dimensions, you can create a pickleball setup on grass that allows for smoother movement and a more enjoyable playing experience.

Can You Play Pickleball On Grass For Fun or a Serious Game Play

While the grass may not be the preferred choice for serious pickleball players, it’s possible to play on compacted and smoothed-out grass, creating a viable court for casual games. However, one significant issue with grass courts is the lack of consistent bounce.

If you’re looking for a professional-level pickleball game, your backyard or grassy area may not be the ideal spot. Professional players tend to avoid grass courts due to the unpredictable bounce they offer. That being said, grass lawns and backyards can still be suitable for practice matches or casual hits.

can you play pickleball on grass

Many amateur players use grass courts to improve their skills and gain a better understanding of the game and its rules. If you’re unable to rent a tennis court for a friendly pickleball match, grass lawns can serve as a decent alternative.

However, it’s important to note that grass should be primarily considered for fun matches rather than serious gameplay.

How to Make a Pickleball Court on Grass?

If you’re planning to build a convenient pickleball court in your backyard, there are a few important factors to consider. To begin the game, ensure you’re well-versed in the fundamental court dimensions. It’s crucial to include the non-volley zone, also known as the kitchen, in your court design.

This area has specific rules regarding volleying the ball and is an important aspect of the pickleball court layout. This area has specific rules that restrict players from volleying the ball while standing inside it. In addition to the court layout, choosing the right type of pickleball ball for playing on grass is crucial.

Although the bounce predictability on grass is not optimal, a ball with a heavier density tends to perform better than a lightweight one. The court dimensions for a standard pickleball court contain a length of 44 x 20 feet, which covers the kitchen, and non-volley zone(NVZ).

The non-volley zone extends approximately 7 feet in depth on both sides of the court. The net position of pickleball should be with a height of 34 inches in the center of the court.

To set up a pickleball court in your backyard, it’s crucial to acquire an in-depth knowledge of these dimensions. You can use chalk powder or a suitable marking material to outline the basic shape of the court. Start by marking the court boundaries first.

Once that is done, you can proceed to position the net accurately in the middle of the court. Finally, mark out the non-volley zone, ensuring it extends 7 feet on each side.

By following these guidelines and properly marking the court dimensions, you can create a suitable pickleball court in your backyard for enjoyable gameplay.

For more detailed instructions on creating a home pickleball court, refer to the resource provided. Remember, beginning with the court outline and then proceeding to the net placement and the non-volley zone will help you establish a well-structured playing area.

Can You Play Pickleball on Wet Grass?

If you’re considering playing pickleball on wet grass, it’s possible, but it’s important to be aware of potential risks. Playing on wet grass increases the risk of slipping and losing balance.

To avoid accidents, it’s best to refrain from playing pickleball on wet grass. Wait for the grass to dry or find a dry playing surface for a safer and more stable experience.

The combination of wet grass and muddy soil underneath can create safety concerns, particularly when you’re making quick movements on the court. Sprinting or pivoting on wet grass can lead to slips and falls, increasing the risk of injuries.

can you play pickleball on grass

If the grass is excessively wet and the soil underneath is muddy, it’s highly recommended to avoid playing pickleball in such conditions. Prioritize your safety and wait until the grass has dried out or consider playing on a different surface that offers better traction and stability.

Crucial Modifications for Pickleball on Grass

Playing this sport on grass can indeed be enjoyable, but it may require some preparations and modifications to ensure a smoother gameplay experience. Here are some changes you can ponder to make better your pickleball experience on grass:-

Play on a Tennis Court

When playing pickleball on a tennis court, one of the most common modifications is to establish the boundaries for a pickleball court.

Level up the Grass

If you’re thinking about playing on the grass of your lawn, it’s important to prepare the grass surface to minimize bounce issues. One effective method is to level up your grass and create a flat playing surface.

To achieve this, start by mowing your lawn and trimming any excess grass along the sides. Once the grass is cut to an appropriate length, you can utilize a lawn leveler to flatten and even out the surface. This process will help create a smoother and more conducive playing area for pickleball.

By following these steps and taking the time to prepare your lawn, you can ensure a better playing experience with reduced bounce issues and a more enjoyable game of pickleball.


Everybody can play pickleball on grass, but it’s more commonly seen as a casual activity for spending time with family, friends, or colleagues. For professional and tournament play, grass surfaces are not considered reliable or ideal.

Unlike the hard surface of a pickleball court, playing on grass can present challenges. The ball tends to have less bounce, which affects the momentum and gameplay. To make the grass surface suitable for pickleball, it needs to be leveled and cut short to create a smoother playing area.

However, for casual or non-serious play, playing on a grass surface is not a bad option. It can still be enjoyable, especially when playing with a rubber ball instead of a plastic one, as it provides better bounce on grass-like surfaces.

Keep in mind that if you’re looking for a more competitive or professional pickleball experience, it’s recommended to play on proper pickleball courts with hard surfaces. But for casual play and fun matches, playing pickleball on a grass surface can still be a viable choice.


Indeed, pickleball can be played on grass. In the following article, we will explore the benefits of playing pickleball on grass as well as some considerations for avoiding it.

Yes, you can definitely play pickleball for fun on grass. However, for competitive and professional pickleball competitions, grass surfaces are generally avoided due to the variable bounce they can create.

Traditionally, asphalt and cement surfaces have been regarded as the preferred choices for pickleball due to their similarities to tennis courts, which have widely adopted pickleball. However, there is a growing trend in pickleball towards the popularity of grass, artificial turf, and clay courts.

As the sport continues to expand, more players are exploring alternative surfaces, leading to an increased interest in grass and clay pickleball courts.

Certainly! Pickleball can be played on artificial turf surfaces with great success. Artificial turf gives a trustworthy and reliable playing surface, assuring good ball bounce and grip.

Many pickleball players choose artificial turf as an alternative to natural grass or hard courts. It provides a solid and easy-care option, making it perfect for both casual and competitive play. So, if you’re considering playing pickleball, artificial turf can be a fantastic choice for your court surface.